Hayley McGowan, B.H.K.
Certified Pilates Instructor
A lifelong athlete with nearly 20 years of coaching experience in the fitness industry, I bring the precision of pilates, and yoga, to the world of sport. Realizing that at 30 years old I was too young to be waking up sore every morning, I decided to dive into the world that Joseph Pilates created over 100 years ago. Five years later I began bridging the gap between Coach and Physiotherapist. I use classic pilates movements and yoga asanas to create balance, control and coordination in the athletic body, teaching it to move as a whole. Beginning with the foundations of breath work, I work to reconnect you to your body both in the Pilates studio and out in your athletic world.
Sport Precision Pilates customizes programs based on your specific needs.
Whether you are a tennis player, a cyclist, a marathon runner, or a triathlete trying to perfect your performance, the practice of Pilates can be geared precisely towards your body's needs. Through Joseph’s movements we will work specifically to address the demands of your sport and teach muscles to work together to coordinate the movements required for optimal performance.
Sports such as football, hockey, rugby and soccer are extremely demanding on your body. At Sport Precision Pilates you will focus on movement patterns specific to your sport as well as fix the ways your body has learned to compensate correct form due to muscular over-development caused by your sport. You will learn optimal movement and create precision in your form. What you learn will be incorporated into both your off and on season training.
Through release and alignment work, Sport Precision Pilates can work with you to reduce your chances of injury. Should you already be injured, we work closely with your physiotherapists and sports medicine doctors to create a body that is as good to you as you are to it and ideally can put you back in peak performance quickly.
Choose to work one on one with us online.  Through our experience in personal training, pilates training, yoga training we will not only design the perfect program for you but also coach you along the way.  We do not use a cookie cutter approach and we look at each of our athletes as individuals and deliver exactly what is needed for each individual. All things movement, we have you covered. Contact for rates and  packages.
General Conditioning
Sport Precision Pilates believes we are all athletes in our own way. Our general conditioning classes will keep your body strong from the office to wherever your playing field might be.
Contact us for more information.
"The Pilates method teaches you to be in control of your body and not at its mercy."